re bittorrent

Nikolas Britton freebsd at
Sun Nov 7 23:22:28 PST 2004

Nikolas Britton wrote:

> Nikolas Britton wrote:
>> Quinn Ellis wrote:
>>> Why do you download with bittorrent as opposed to FTP?
>> Lets do the math...
>> you'll note that at this moment 
>> says there's been 1978 completed downloads.
>> Lets pick an arbitrary average size for each file downloaded: 388MB
>> 388 * 1978 = 767.5GB
>> 11/7 at 8:30PM: Now
>> 11/6 at 5:00PM: Official availability of 5.3
>> ------------
>> 27.5 Hours
>> 767.5 / 27.5 = 27.9GB/h / 60 = 465MB/m / 60 = 7.75MB/s
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>> All of this data and bandwidth above has been shifted off the servers 
>> and onto the downloaders. This saves freebsd and its primary mirrors 
>> money, this is why I chose to download freebsd via bittorrent and why 
>> I'm going keep my bittorrent client open for others.
> Also, to put this into terms of money, a fractional T3/DS3 line will 
> cost around $7,000/Month.
Sorry, I fudged my terms up (MegaByte, Megabit)....  7.75MB/s = 62Mb/s
That means you'd need a OC2 line (104Mb/s) and this is around $27,000/Month.

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