firefox or mozilla don't run

nick holley nick.holley at
Fri Nov 5 15:17:24 PST 2004

On Fri, 05 Nov 2004 15:14:33 +0100, Didier Wiroth
<didier.wiroth at> wrote:
> I'm running xfce4 with xorg 6.7.0. When I try to launch firefox or mozilla. I get the >following error
> error: no running window found
> To be able to run the apps, I need to:
> 1) xhost +local
> 2) su
> 3) type mozilla or firefox
> Mozilla or firefox need to be run as root or don't run at all. What's the problem?

Check the permissions of the .mozilla directory in ~/; they might be
set as root:wheel which would make them unwritable by you and
therefore unable to start.


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