Festival usage problems

Jakob Breivik Grimstveit jakob at ikkjereklame.grimstveit.no.invalid
Fri Nov 5 04:10:41 PST 2004

I want my computer to speak to me, thus I installed the following:

# pkg_info | grep fest
festival+OGI-1.4.1_1 Text-to-speech system with OGI residual LPC synthesizer
festlex-cmu-1.4.1   CMU American English pronunciation dictionary for Festival
festlex-oald-1.4.1  Oxford Advanced Learner's pronunciation dictionary for Fest
festlex-ogi-2.0     Composite pronunciation dictionary from ogi.edu for Festiva
festlex-poslex-1.4.1 English lexicon for Festival
festvox-don-1.4.0   British English male voice for Festival speech synthesis sy
festvox-jph-2.0     American English male voice for Festival
festvox-kal16-1.4.0 American English male voice, sampled at 16 kHz, for Festiva
festvox-ked16-1.4.0 American English male voice, sampled at 16 kHz, for Festiva
festvox-mwm-2.0     American English male voice for Festival
festvox-ogirab-2.0  British English male voice for Festival (non-commercial use
festvox-rab16-1.4.1 16 kHz British English male voice for Festival
festvox-tll-2.0     American English female voice for Festival (no commercial u
festvox_aec-2.0     American English male voice for Festival speech synthesis s

When trying to use it, this happens:

[jakobbg at bgjgrimstveit ~]# cat a
This is a test
[jakobbg at bgjgrimstveit ~]# cat a | festival --pipe
SIOD ERROR: unbound variable 
SIOD ERROR: unbound variable 
SIOD ERROR: unbound variable 
SIOD ERROR: unbound variable 
[jakobbg at bgjgrimstveit ~]# festival --tts a
Can't access NAS server (null)

Am I missing some settings? Packages?

Thanks in advance.

Jakob Breivik Grimstveit, http://www.grimstveit.no/jakob, +47 48298152

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