USB Storage devices (Cigar/Pen) in FreeBSD?

Fernan Aguero fernan at
Fri May 14 13:04:10 PDT 2004


I'd like to buy one of those USB storage devices that come
in different aspects (cigar/pen) and sizes (64/128/256/512

My main machine does not have USB 2.0 ports (but does have
USB 1) and is running FreeBSD-4.9

Do these devices work with FreeBSD-4.9? What kernel options
should I enable? 

>From reading the archives I see that there are some problems
if you want to boot from the device. Otherwise I've not
found anything interesting. Perhaps this is just because
they work 'out of the box' and there are no quirks or issues
that merit attention.

I'd appreciate positive/negative user experiences to decide
my purchase.



PS: please CC me since I'm not subscribed to the list.

F e r n a n   A g u e r o

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