Help: Speeding up Boot Process

Warren Block wblock at
Wed May 12 04:35:36 PDT 2004

On Tue, 11 May 2004, Mark Jayson Alvarez wrote:

>     I've heard a lot of comments about the booting
> process of freebsd, that it is much faster than
> booting into Linux.

It is.

> I'm not experiencing quite as much as what their saying right now.

You don't say if there's any particular step that is slow.  New systems
often lack reverse DNS, so sendmail will sit there for thirty seconds or
more just waiting.  Not sure about the minimum required, but giving the
system's hostname in /etc/hosts helps.  If you don't need sendmail, turn
it off by adding


in /etc/rc.conf.

-Warren Block * Rapid City, South Dakota USA

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