the most light weight X web browser?

Viktor Lazlo viktorlazlo at
Sat May 8 16:14:10 PDT 2004

On Sat, 8 May 2004, Zhang Weiwu wrote:

> Hello. My friend is running a tea house, she want to put her ancient
> Pentium 100 notebook (24MB memory) running FreeBSD 4.9, on the bar so
> customers can use it check mails and browse the web. (and I want to help
> her.) She want it to just function as a browser machine, she don't even
> need a window manager, the X starts up just to run a browser. (However a
> memory saving window manager is okay, too.
> But such a slow notebook what browser do you suggest to use? The
> harddisk don't have much space after the OS is installed, and memory is
> pretty limited. Epiphany comes to my mind, but it depends on Mozilla and
> gtk. If there is an extremely light weighted browser that just use
> Athena (or can be compiled so) it would be better.
> Perhaps Epiphany is the only choice? If so can we make it even lighter?

For a browser, try:
(14:17:45 <~>) $ cat /usr/ports/www/dillo/pkg-descr
Dillo is a web browser project completely written in C (currently the code
is based on gzilla-0.2.2's widget, and a new improved network engine
written from scratch).

Dillo is small; source is less than 360 kB and binary is less than 270 Kb.

Dillo aims to be a multiplatform browser alternative that's small,
stable, developer-friendly, usable, fast, and extensible.

Dillo is mainly based on GTK+ (GNOME is NOT required!)

Dillo is very fast!




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