Odd DNS/DHCP behavior

Alejandro 'Lanjoe9' Valenzuela lanjoe9 at prodigy.net.mx
Thu May 6 20:09:18 PDT 2004

Hello everyone, I've got a computer with FreeBSD 4.9 and it's connected 
vía LAN, to a gate2wire broadband módem/router/etc
The computer configures itself correctly vía the DHCP server inside the 
modem, and everything seems to work fine, but I get these odd messages 
and sometimes it can't resolve names until I try several times. It isn't 
much of a problem, but I'd like to know what it means..
(btw, the machine's name is "angel" (it wasn't my idea :P) and the 
domain is the modem's default: 2wire.net. The modem itself is accessible 
at gateway.2wire.net from inside the LAN).
May  5 09:47:58 angel dhclient: New Network Number:
May  5 09:47:58 angel dhclient: New Broadcast Address:
May  5 10:12:00 angel dhclient: New Network Number:
May  5 10:12:00 angel dhclient: New Broadcast Address:
May  5 10:36:38 angel dhclient: New Network Number:
May  5 10:36:38 angel dhclient: New Broadcast Address:
May  5 12:29:20 angel lynx: gethostby*.getanswer: asked for 
"gateway.2wire.net IN AAAA", got type "A"
May  5 12:24:44 angel ftpd: gethostby*.getanswer: asked for 
"angel.gateway.2wire.net IN AAAA", got type "A"
May  5 12:24:44 angel ftpd: gethostby*.getanswer: asked for 
"angel.gateway.2wire.net IN AAAA", got type "A"
May  5 12:25:11 angel ftpd: gethostby*.getanswer: asked for 
"angel.gateway.2wire.net IN AAAA", got type "A"
May  5 12:25:47 angel last message repeated 4 times

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