Evolution execution problem. Installed as root. Can't run as wheel.

Henrik Zagerholm henrik at flowsolutions.se
Sun May 2 14:26:15 PDT 2004

Hi all!
I installed Evolutions e-mail suite and it went like a charm but now I 
can only start it up using the root account.

I installed it by SU to root (as usuall) and now I cant run it with my 
own identity. Member of Wheel group of course.

When running from terminal it complaines about not finding files. It is 
some kind of permissions error but what?

The PATH looks the same as the root account.

The output is as follows:
/libexec/ld-elf.so.1: Shared object "libeshell.so.0" not found

I've tried to put a link in /libexec/ to the libeshell.so.0 but it 
doesn't work.
Please help


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