! why?

Joshua Lokken joshua at twobirds.us
Thu Mar 25 08:12:18 PST 2004

* __Clint__ <clint at acm.vt.edu> [2004-03-25 07:30]:
> > Did you get spam that REPORTED to be FROM the FreeBSD list?
> Nope.  It was from penis-something. Of course.
> I got spam to "Clint+freebsddotorg at acm.vt.edu" which maps to
> "clint at acm.vt.edu" and am trying to figure it out.

Aha!  There's the key.  So, before you figure it out, you start
fucking flaming *OUR* mailing list.  You should be fucking ashamed of


... The things love can drive a man to -- the ecstasies, the
the miseries, the broken rules, the desperate chances, the glorious
failures and the glorious victories.
		-- McCoy, "Requiem for Methuselah", stardate 5843.7

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