install: kernel config: NIC ?

lee slaughter lee at
Wed Mar 24 10:40:47 PST 2004

Matthew Seaman wrote:

>On Wed, Mar 24, 2004 at 08:33:25AM -0800, lee slaughter wrote:
>>.......kernel config  menu, visual mode,
>>no network devices show up active.  In the inactive drivers section
>>i see a little list of only six.
>>question 1:  this is hardly a comprehensive list, is it?
>>there's no explanation in the handbook why it is so short.
>That configuration screen only shows ancient ISA cards that cannot
>identify themselves to the system.  Any modern NIC (either PCI or
>Cardbus) will be autodetected.  Basically you can just plough on
>reguardless with your install and all of your network interfaces
>should be picked up.
again, thanks everybody.
there should be a note to this effect in handbook.

how does one submit a sug for handbook?

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