Need assitance installin FreeBSD

Randy Pratt rpratt1950 at
Tue Mar 23 13:16:08 PST 2004

On Mon, 22 Mar 2004 23:20:59 +0000 Chris wrote:
  (reformatted for 72 characters per line or less)
> I downloaded the mini FreeBSD for this little pc i have, but im
> not sure what files to put on cd. Could you please give me a hand?
> the attached pic is what was unziped. Thank you  -Chris

Hi Chris,

All attachments are stripped from emails to the list so no one
will see them.

The mini-iso is a bootable disc which contains the files for a
base installation; however, they do not contain any packages such
as window managers or XFree86.  If you are expecting to install
a graphical environment, you will need to use the full iso.  Only
the first disc is required.

The iso discs are bootable and contain the installer.  There is no
need to manually copy any files to your hard drive.  Before you
start, I would suggest that you review the installation instructions

This should answer most if not all of your questions. And, of course,
Welcome to FreeBSD!

Best regards,



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