what's a decent c++ debugger??

Gary Kline kline at tao.thought.org
Tue Mar 23 10:10:39 PST 2004

	Hoping this gets thru (since I've seen bizarre IPv6 happenings
	with sendmail), I'll venture this question:  what is the 
	best g++ dbugger?  I seem to be missing my debugging tools 
	that I used circa 2000-01.  

	I'm looking for something that doesn't necessarily fit inside
	an IDE (because no IDE seems to have vi as its builtin/default
	editor); also because I'm used to having my own toolkits 
	of gcc/g++, vi, and gdb.  Simplicity.  But I'm running into
	a fork-exec/killpid error that is driving me over the edge.
	(Or atleast making me go bash my head against the wall.)  So
	it's time for some serious tools.  I would be much obliged 
	for the top few c/g++ debugging tools.  GUI or non.

	thankee el-muchly,


   Gary Kline     kline at thought.org   www.thought.org     Public service Unix

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