Top posting

Matt Coe, CCNA webmaster at
Sun Mar 21 17:01:25 PST 2004

uidzero wrote:

>> What's wrong with the convention we have?  I'll answer this message a
>> third time in the style you propose.  Tell me if it's easier to read.
> This one just gets too long after a thread of 5 or more. I can relate 
> to the others but, I just don't read any of the thread to start with 
> if the subject or the original post doesn't concern me. :) That's just 
> me though.

Not if the replier (is that even a word? It is now! Ha!) edits carefully 
for context. Leave out the bits of old messages that no longer relate to 
the discussion at hand and your replies should be nice and coherent. 
I've been practicing that for years.

Matt Coe, CCNA
Member-At-Large, Dalhousie University CS Society Fall 2003

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