update of OpenSSL from tarball

Lowell Gilbert freebsd-questions-local at be-well.ilk.org
Sat Mar 20 08:58:44 PST 2004

"J.D. Bronson" <jbronson at wixb.com> writes:

> I thought I would post to the group my solution for updating OpenSSL
> w/o having to rebuild the entire machine...
> # tar xzf openssl-0.9.7d.tar.gz
> # cd openssl-0.9.7d
> # ./config --prefix=/usr --openssldir=/etc/ssl
> # make
> # make test
> # make install
> ..this seems to correctly place all the files where they need to be
> with the exception of a few. I did recompile a few apps since they had
> ldd to older files that were incorrect.
> The problem is that I build most things from tarballs and overwrite
> alot of the base install binaries....so if I did this fix the
> 'correct' way, I would have quite a mess on my hands.

Most peoples' mileage *does* vary, because updating OpenSSL by itself
isn't enough.  Everything that linked to it statically needs to be
updated as well, which most people won't have the skill (or
inclination) to track down.

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