/var/log/messages question

Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P. kdk at daleco.biz
Tue Mar 16 12:25:19 PST 2004

Darryl Hoar wrote:

>I have a 4.4-stable box configured as my firewall
>running IPFilter and doing nat and routing to
>the internet.
>I keep getting:
>Mar 16 13:10:09 darryl /kernel: arplookup failed: host is not on
>local network
>in my /var/log/messages file.  It is coming from my DSL facing interface.  I
>used ethereal
>to capture packets and determine the MAC address.  Turns out to be a "vendor
>on some OSI gear the ISP is using.  They cannot correct this problem.
>ARP comes way before IPFilter, therefore I do not believe it can be
>Is there anything I can do to prevent these warnings/errors from clogging up
>log files ?

I think you could change /etc/syslog.conf
and -HUP the syslog daemon.

However, I can't tell you what level
of message that is; and therefore can't
tell you exactly what to change in that
file.  I imagine that its "kern.debug" ...
but I'm not sure.  Not to mention, losing
"kern.debug" might take away something
you'll need next time you have a problem.

I guess you could experiment, if you're
not too afraid of losing other log messages;
or you could script something to strip that
line and run it via cron....

Kevin Kinsey
DaleCo, S.P.

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