IPv6 Tunnel

Dukemaster dukemaster at hardwareelite.com
Tue Mar 16 01:29:03 PST 2004

I haven't checked out freenet6, but, I have been using the HE.net tunnel
broker (ipv6tb.he.net), they give you a /64 with reverse dns and
everything, after using it for a while, I decided to get the commercial
solution from them, but I don't want to have to buy it for each one of
my boxes

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Huff [mailto:roberthuff at rcn.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 12:36 AM
To: Dukemaster
Subject: IPv6 Tunnel

>  At my first co-location my FreeBSD server has a native IPv6
>  onnection and a /64 subnet
>  I have a second co-location with a different isp, that doesn't
>  have IPv6.
>  Is it possible to have my first FreeBSD box act as a tunnel to my
>  second box, and get it on IPv6 over the existing IPv4 connection?

	Probably.  Before you do so, check out the net/frennet6 port.

			Robert Huff

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