pakages questione, 2

Mark Weinem mark.weinem at
Sun Mar 14 09:10:18 PST 2004

> I've `./configure && gmake && gmake install`-ed lot of tools (have a
> fun of such kind :-)......

Some of us prefer the ports system ;-)

> later when I wanted to use a pkg_add ability to add some pkg, I found
> that I have a poor registerd pkgs on my box. So: I know -- I do really
> have such util, but it's unregistered. And the pkg, I want to add
> depends on it, but a pkg_add says ``was not found''. I use a force
> method of pkg_add....

I'm not sure if I understand your problem correctly: 

	You want to pkg_ add a package but it needs additional software you
	have already installed "by hand" (configure, make, make install)

	or do you want to install (register?) "hand-built" software as
	a package via pkg_add? 

Greetings, Mark Weinem

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