routting IP SUBNET.

hugle hugle at
Sat Mar 13 06:39:42 PST 2004

Hello all.
I've just got these IPs from
My ISP told, that all those IP's will be routed to my gw:

when i traceroute all of those :
get tracerouted and the traceroute loops at the end like:
  12 y.y.192.162 [AS 13194] 76 msec 76 msec 64 msec
  13 y.y.192.161 [AS 13194] 76 msec 76 msec 76 msec
  14 y.y.192.162 [AS 13194] 96 msec 72 msec 100 msec
  15 y.y.192.161 [AS 13194] 56 msec 72 msec 60 msec
  16 y.y.192.162 [AS 13194] 68 msec 80 msec 196 msec
  17 y.y.192.161 [AS 13194] 76 msec 64 msec 68 msec
  18 y.y.192.162 [AS 13194] 64 msec 60 msec 60 msec
  19 y.y.192.161 [AS 13194] 68 msec 56 msec 80 msec
  20 y.y.192.162 [AS 13194] 56 msec 72 msec 68 msec
  21 y.y.192.161 [AS 13194] 56 msec 56 msec 56 msec
  22 y.y.192.162 [AS 13194] 76 msec 68 msec 84 msec
  23 y.y.192.161 [AS 13194] 72 msec 80 msec 64 msec
  24 y.y.192.162 [AS 13194] 72 msec 56 msec 72 msec
  25 y.y.192.161 [AS 13194] 64 msec 76 msec 88 msec
  26 y.y.192.162 [AS 13194] 56 msec 80 msec 56 msec
  27 y.y.192.161 [AS 13194] 76 msec 76 msec 76 msec
  28 y.y.192.162 [AS 13194] 64 msec 76 msec 56 msec
  29 y.y.192.161 [AS 13194] 64 msec 60 msec 60 msec
  30 y.y.192.162 [AS 13194] 60 msec 56 msec 64 msec

How I can get them routed?
tried adding:
bimap fxp0 x.x.136.200/32 ->
but I get to internet with IP y.y.192.162

Could anyone point me on any how-tos ?

netstat -rn | grep default
default            y.y.192.161    UGSc      123 449652286   fxp0

Best regards,Hugle

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