GUI for user authentication

Jonathan Arnold jdarnold at
Tue Mar 9 09:59:46 PST 2004

Cookski - RR wrote:
> My company is moving to our web services Verio which uses FreeBSD on their
> servers. They do not provide a GUI for securing directories from
> unauthorized access (htaccess). Is there a GUI application that you
> recommend or that is preferred by the FreeBSD community?

I'm not sure what you are looking for. Do you want a way to easily
create a .htaccess file that you can upload to your web folders? Or
are you saying that Verio doesn't enable .htaccess at all?

If the former, it is pretty easy to build one by hand. Here's a little
page that will generate the username/password entry for you:

Jonathan Arnold     (mailto:jdarnold at
Daemon Dancing in the Dark, a FreeBSD weblog:

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