Perl Syntax

Drew Tomlinson drew at
Wed Jun 30 10:18:11 PDT 2004

On 6/30/2004 10:04 AM Steve Bertrand wrote:

>>I'm using perl 5.8.4 on a 4.9 machine.  I want to add code a perl script
>>to check for value passed from command line.  If it is null, I want to
>>exit with an error message.
>>First I tried this and got "Use of uninitialized value in string eq at
>>./ line 20."
>>if ($ARGV[0] eq "") {
>>  print "You must include the file name.";
>>  exit 1;
>>Next I tried this but get "Use of uninitialized value in length at
>>./ line 20."
>>if (length ($ARGV[0]) = "0") {
>>  print "You must include the file name.";
>>  exit 1;
>>I've searched the web and all examples that I've found indicate that I'm
>>doing things correctly but obviously I'm not.  What am I doing wrong?
>I know this works:
>if ($ARGV[0] eq '') {
>        print "Debug Mode\n";
Thanks for your reply.  I tried your suggestion and it seems to work but 
I get this output:

Use of uninitialized value in string eq at ./ line 16.
You must include the file name.

I have "use warnings;" and "use strict;" in the script.  I assume the 
error comes from the "use warnings;" but why does perl see "eq" as a 
string and not an operator?  Or am I misinterpreting the message?



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