Using xorg instead of XFree86

Axel S. Gruner axel.gruner at
Wed Jun 30 04:49:35 PDT 2004

Hi Matthew,

On Wednesday 30 June 2004 13:06, Matthew Seaman wrote:
> Probably.  It seems that most of the Linux distros have switched or
> are switching to it, and the Unix vendors like Sun always were behind
> X.Org anyway.
> There is has been a discussion on the x11 and docs mailing lists
> covering all of the whys and wherefores.  A good place to start is
> here:

thanks for your quick answer and that link. 

> Eventually something like what you propose will be added to
> or whichever makefile is appropriate.  Until then, you're
> going to have to maintain your patches in parallel to the ordinary
> development of the ports tree.
> On the whole though, you can get by without fiddling in the makefiles
> if you're prepared to run pkgdb(1) to fix up the dependencies after
> the fact.
> The X.Org stuff is still considered experimental at the moment.  As
> more and more people start to use it and it gets well debugged, the
> ports infrastructure around it will be improved.

Ok, fine. XFree86 is still fine for most of the users out there (and 
just a few of them looking at stuff like "licenses"...). 
So, i can live with a "pkgdb -F", or a temporary change of 
Well, a second one, like a "" in the tree (which is 
also up-to date) would be also nice, renaming that one after a cvsup 
would made it a lot easier for the moment. 



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