home directory questions

Bill Moran wmoran at potentialtech.com
Tue Jun 29 10:47:48 PDT 2004

Thomas Moyer <tommoyer at atlanticbb.net> wrote:

> Is it possible to setup a file server with FreeBSD and use that as a 
> home partition and also share other files on a small network?
> What kinds of utilities would I need to run?  I imagine NFS for *nix 
> clients and Samba for MS clients.  Also possibly share printers with 
> this computer as well.  CUPS for that.

Um ... yes.  I assume you're just looking for verification that you're
selecting the correct technology, and you are.

> Also what kind a minimum system reccomendations does anyone have?

That's impossible to even guesstimate without some idea of what kind
of load the system is going to be under.  I have a fileserver here that
serves Windows and FreeBSD clients and it's a 200mhz with 96M of RAM.
But I would never suggest that for a big installation.

Bill Moran
Potential Technologies

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