How do I create a freebsd local distribution point?

Henrik W Lund henrik.w.lund at
Mon Jun 28 13:17:45 PDT 2004

Lefteris Tsintjelis wrote:

>I want to create an internal central FreeBSD distribution point for kernel
>sources and ports. In the long term, I would also like to precompile and
>distribute packages and sources. Is there any good starting point that
>explains all this?
>Please CC

You would want to look into cvsup, and use it to pull the entire source 
repository down to your distribution machine, and let cvsup on the other 
machines connect to it for updating their individual source trees. Check 
out the handbook for starters, and dig deeper from there.

I'm sure there are other ways of doing this, but this seems to me the 

-Henrik W Lund

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