Updating source code manually

Iain Dooley iain_dooley at hotmail.com
Sat Jun 26 17:44:57 PDT 2004

I am running FreeBSD-STABLE (4.10) and have been using 
ports/pkg_add/portupgrade/cvsup to stay current with most programs. however 
there are two things that i'm having trouble with, and i'm hoping someone 
can point me in the right direction:

1) i received a small patch for Kate (K Advanced Text Editor) from one of 
the developers, how can i compile this new code into the binary?

2) this question may be answered by any information provided in answer to my 
first question, but how can i upgrade specific components of KDE (such as 
Kate) without upgrading the entire KDE installation (which takes a couple of 

and lastly, a quality of life question:

3) Is it safe to do a portupgrade of KDE whilst KDE is still running?

thanks very much,

Iain Dooley

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