setting xterm font from the command line

Michael A. Smith msmith at
Wed Jun 23 18:56:12 PDT 2004

I'm trying to set the xterm font from the command line using the -fn option.

$ xterm -fn fontname

What I can't seem to find is the exact fontname of any font on my system 
(FreeBSD 5.2.1R). I've tried many combinations of my fonts: lowercase 
mixed case, spaces, hyphes, underscores, etc... and it can never find 
the font. For example:

$ xterm -fn Bitstream-Vera-Sans-Mono
xterm:  unable to open font "Bitstream-Vera-Sans-Mono", trying "fixed"

Where can I find the font list that xterm is checking?


Michael A. Smith <msmith at>

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