portupgrade -c (was Re: Boot GUI / Boot data and process / Fragmentation)

Ralph M. Los Ralph at boundariez.com
Wed Jun 23 13:53:16 PDT 2004

Alright, I feel stupid but I'm going to ask anyway...

Portversion exists in /usr/local/sbin on one FreeBSD 5.2.1 server, but
not on the other, which is an install off the *same CD*. What package or
port does portversion come from?


::-----Original Message-----
::From: Randy Pratt [mailto:rpratt1950 at earthlink.net] 
::Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 12:16 PM
::To: Kent Stewart
::Cc: freebsd-questions at freebsd.org; bhunter at solisix.com
::Subject: portupgrade -c (was Re: Boot GUI / Boot data and 
::process / Fragmentation)
::On Tue, 8 Jun 2004 00:59:58 -0700
::Kent Stewart <kstewart at owt.com> wrote:
::> On Tuesday 08 June 2004 12:37 am, Bruce Hunter wrote:
::> > Thanks for your help Kent
::> >
::> > I read something about using portversion -c with the portupgrade 
::> > command to upgrade installed pkgs that needed to be updated.
::> >
::> > When I run portversion -c  :: I get a print out of things 
::needed to 
::> > be upgraded and at the end, it shows a 'if' statment.
::> >
::> > How do you use this command with portupgrade so it just 
::updates them 
::> > instead of just showing me. Just do it dang it... just do it! ;o)
::The output of "portversion -c" needs to be redirected to a file:
::    portversion -c > scriptname.sh
::To make it usable as a shell script, it needs to have
::    #!/bin/sh
::added at the top to insure that it uses the sh command 
::interperter. Then, the script needs to be made executable:
::    chmod 744 scriptname.sh
::Then it can be run as root:
::    ./scriptname.sh
::> I'm not the one to ask because I use the -c and do them one 
::at a time.
::> The portupgrade option -rRa will do some of it. I just want 
::it to do it 
::> at my convience and choosing :). I also have an AMD 2400+ 
::that sits off 
::> to the side of my computer desk and I build everything on it. The 
::> problem with the -c list is that it doesn't build 
::dependancies first.
::I think it will build the required dependencies first *if* 
::they need updated.  The synopsis of portupgrade is:
::    portupgrade [ ... bunch of options ... ] pkgname-glob
::A list of ports can be passed to portugrade and it will check 
::which needs to be built first.  This can easily be checked if 
::you have doubts.  Use -n for "no-execute" and -f to "force".  
::This is a test case I tried where liveMedia is a dependency 
::of mplayer:
::  # portupgrade -nf mplayer-gtk-esound-0.92.1_2 liveMedia-2004.06.07,1
::  --->  Session started at: Tue, 08 Jun 2004 11:06:39 -0400
::  --->  Reinstallation of net/liveMedia started at: Tue, 08 Jun 2004
::        11:06:40 -0400
::  --->  Reinstalling 'liveMedia-2004.06.07,1' (net/liveMedia)
::        OK? [no]
::  --->  Reinstallation of net/liveMedia ended at: Tue, 08 Jun 2004
::        11:06:40 -0400 (consumed 00:00:00)
::  --->  Reinstallation of multimedia/mplayer started at: Tue, 08 Jun
::        2004 11:06:41 -0400
::  --->  Reinstalling 'mplayer-gtk-esound-0.92.1_2'
::        (multimedia/mplayer)
::        OK? [no]
::  --->  Reinstallation of multimedia/mplayer ended at: Tue, 08 Jun
::        2004 11:06:41 -0400 (consumed 00:00:00)
::  --->  Listing the results (+:done / -:ignored / *:skipped / 
::        + net/liveMedia (liveMedia-2004.06.07,1)
::        + multimedia/mplayer (mplayer-gtk-esound-0.92.1_2)
::  --->  Packages processed: 2 done, 0 ignored, 0 skipped and 0 failed
::  --->  Session ended at: Tue, 08 Jun 2004 11:06:41 -0400 
::(consumed 00:00:01)
::  #
::Notice that liveMedia was updated first even though it was 
::last in the list of ports passed to portupgrade.  The portversion -c 
::produces a list of ports and stores them in its variable 
::$pkgs. Portupgrade will take the list and build them in the 
::correct dependency order.
::I've used this approach for several years now and it works fine.
::However, caution should be used when scripting the upgrading 
::of ports.  After cvsupping and running portsdb -Uu, the 
::/usr/ports/UPDATING should be read and any items that are 
::applicable to the installation should be followed before 
::running any scripts or other portupgrade commands.
::If you still prefer doing ports manually, the output of 
::portupgrade -c can still be useful.  By modifying the script 
::slightly, it will produce a list of ports to be updated in 
::the order they should be updated.  Just change the line:
::    portupgrade "$@" $pkgs
::    pkg_glob $pkgs | pkg_sort
::It should be noted that some ports may not work until the 
::entire list is updated and as usual, your mileage may vary.
::I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm thinking wrong about this.
::Best regards,
::[ ... other topics snipped ... ]
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