Steve Bertrand
iaccounts at ibctech.ca
Wed Jun 23 13:28:12 PDT 2004
> Thanks that worked,
> But now I have another question, When it boots I enter my user
> name and password but all I get is a command prompt, how am I supposed
> to get into free bsd (or is that it?)
Well, it doesn't look like much at the command prompt, but yes, that's it.
The wonderful world of the power of BSD is now at your fingertips.
If you are looking for a fancy GUI interface that can sit on top of the
command prompt, start by reading the handbook...here is the section you
If you are not familiar with unix basics, there are several books out
there, and thousands of online tutorials. Google is your friend.
I don't know your familiarity level, but the one most helpful command will
be 'man'. the man command will allow you to view usage information on
various commands. In essence typing something like:
# man passwd
will open the manual page for the passwd program. Most all commands have
corresponding manual pages that can be accessed in this manner. For more
information on the 'man' command, type:
# man man
Well, I hope this gives you a start. Note the entire handbook for FreeBSD
can always be accessed from here:
and it is certainly worth a read, a second read, then as a reference manual.
> Benjamin
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