md5 of a filesystem / verifying filesystem integrity after

Remko Lodder remko at
Wed Jun 23 07:07:40 PDT 2004

Bill Moran wrote:

> Jerry McAllister <jerrymc at> wrote:
>>>Hi all,
>>>Does someone know how to reliably run a checksum of sorts on a filesystem,
>>>to be able 
>>>to verify filesystem integrity after a restore from dump level 0 has
> <snip the potential problems with dump/md5>
> Could you use something like tripwire (which does an md5 of each file on the
> filesystem and stores them in a database for later verification)?
> I think tripwire only checks executable files, but the approach should work
> with all files.
Hey Bill, Jerry,

You can also use AIDE for that... :-) and indeed tripwire

Kind regards,

Remko Lodder                   |remko at
Reporter DSINet                |remko at
Projectleader Mostly-Harmless  |remko at

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