Utility to guess a remote hosts operating system?

Remko Lodder remko at elvandar.org
Wed Jun 23 07:05:41 PDT 2004

Jan Grant wrote:

> On Wed, 23 Jun 2004, Edd wrote:
>>My question is:
>>Does such a utility exist? I know nmap can guess os, but it takes a few
>>seconds and a port scan is needed first. Is there just a simply util
>>that can tell me without the port scan?
> How would that operate? Some kind of network fingerprinting is required.
> If you can narrow down the parameters of your question (eg: I have a
> network of windows machines and I'd like to figure out exact versions on
> each one) then you might have more luck.
Hi Jan,Edd

Perhaps you mean something like:
p0f-2.0.3|/usr/ports/net-mgmt/p0f|/usr/local|Passive OS fingerprinting 
tool|/usr/ports/net-mgmt/p0f/pkg-descr|trevor at FreeBSD.org|net-mgmt|||http://www.stearns.org/p0f/

Which was written by William Stearns (if you read this bill, HI!), and 
now maintained by Michal Zalewski (lcamtuf).

Try it ;-)

Kind regards,

Remko Lodder                   |remko at elvandar.org
Reporter DSINet                |remko at dsinet.org
Projectleader Mostly-Harmless  |remko at mostly-harmless.nl

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