How to turn your Perl programs into standalone executables

Juho Vuori juho.vuori at
Wed Jun 23 02:52:11 PDT 2004


Sex Maniac wrote:

>Hi just want to ask, if I have a perl program, and I
>want to turn it into standalone executables/binary.
>Question is how ? What programs/packages/ports I must
>use ?

First add a line


as the very first line of your perl program. Without indenting or 
anything. /usr/bin/perl is the default location for freebsd perl 
interpreter, but you should check, (run command 'which perl')  In case 
your perl interpreter is located in /usr/local/bin/perl or something 
else, you must change the line accordingly.

Then say

chmod 755

and your program runs nicely by just typing its name. Of course it has 
to be in your command path. From current working directory you can't run 
programs just like that, say ./ instead.


>Usually in windows98, I can use PerlApp to Turn your
>Perl programs into standalone executables (.exe)
>I don't want my users can see the source program in
>I want my source program is hidden from user and the
>others administrators. So I need the executable
>file/binary file only.
>Please help.
>Thx before
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