FreeBSD Versions 4.10 vs. 5.2.1

Kirk Strauser kirk at
Tue Jun 22 06:09:08 PDT 2004

On Tuesday 2004-06-22 01:07 am, freebsd at wrote:

> Just a quick questions. I've been running into a few problems with 5.2.1
> not being very stable and was thinking of reverting back to 4.10.

I wouldn't necessarily think of it as reverting.  They're almost two 
different (but similar) systems.

> I usually run the current versions from the ports collection, such as
> Gnome. I was wondering if this will be a problem? Also, what will I loose
> when I go back to 4.10. Also, is 5.2.1 faster or is 4.10 faster and
> more stable.   

5.x is faster in some ways and slower in others.  The answer is a resounding 
"well, it depends...".  The big snag, though, is that 5.x is slated to 
become the "-STABLE" version in the very near future, so there's a good 
chance you'd find yourself "crossgrading" into a system that's about to be 
Kirk Strauser
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