ports cd

Matthew Seaman m.seaman at infracaninophile.co.uk
Tue Jun 22 04:54:51 PDT 2004

On Tue, Jun 22, 2004 at 12:27:54PM +0100, arden wrote:

> is it possible to download a cd of the ports so i can use it on a
> standaloan machine 

There isn't an iso image of the ports tree available as such.  There's
a split up tar-ball of the ports tree created for each release, which
is what you download when you say 'install the ports' from within
sysinstall.  On the whole though, grabbing an up to date copy on a
connected machine via cvsup(1) would be your best bet.  Generating a
CD Rom containing those files shouldn't be too difficult: there are
all sorts of ways of doing it, but start out by looking at the
sysutils/cdrtool port as an example.

Note that the ports tree isn't much use on it's own on an isolated
machine: you will need to include all of the distfiles for any port
you want to build, and for all dependencies of that port.  You can
obtain those by running:

    # make fetch-recursive

in the appropriate port directory, or there are ways of using the '-F'
flag to portinstall to do the equivalent.

Alternatively, build packages (including any dependencies) on your
well-connected machine to install on the other one -- there's a
'package-recursive' make target you can use for that.

If the problem is that the well-connected machine you have isn't
actually a FreeBSD box, then you can grab:


That is a snapshot of the ports tree recreated at frequent intervals
-- see the README.TXT file in the same directory.  But you still need
to solve the problem of grabbing all of the distfiles for anything you
want to install.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
                                                      Savill Way
PGP: http://www.infracaninophile.co.uk/pgpkey         Marlow
Tel: +44 1628 476614                                  Bucks., SL7 1TH UK
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