Installworld errors with mtree
Timms, Simon
STimms at
Mon Jun 21 13:33:51 PDT 2004
I was just helping a friend through an install world and, as seems to be the
way with his computer, we ran into problems. We were updating an early 5
series (possibly 5.0 release) to 5.2_1. We went through all the steps as
outlined in UPDATING and everything seemed to be working fine right up to
the install world. The first time through we ran into some problems with
gencat which we fixed by copying the gencat binary from the obj directory.
Now we have run into a core dump with mtree. I have googled and come up
with a reference to PR i386/30276 but this seems to be largely related to
building across systems or at least changing the CPUTYPE during the build
process. These errors are also quite old (April/May 2002) so it leads me to
believe that there is something else up. Does anybody have ideas related to
this? We would certainly appreciate any help you might offer.
Limited output:
mtree -deU -f /usr/src/etc/mtree/BSD.root.dist -p /
pid 41399 (mtree), uid 0: exited on signal 12 (core dumped)
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