
Remko Lodder remko at
Mon Jun 21 10:25:52 PDT 2004

Chris Sechiatano wrote:

> Hi,
> I just converted my RedHat box to BSD 5.2.1 and installed Spamassassin with
> Sendmail and Procmail.  This is the same configuration I had on the RedHat
> machine, but Spamassassin seems to not catch as much spam as it did before.
> I get so much more junk in my inbox and they only get one or two hits with
> Spamassassin.  
> Anybody have any ideas on what may be happening?


Spammers get more smart... My SA is well trained and still i recieve a 
couple of spam messages a day (50/50 almost)
But you can train SA by using sa-learn.. and use the bayesian filtering...

Did you use that on RedHat as well?

Kind regards,

Remko Lodder                   |remko at
Reporter DSINet                |remko at
Projectleader Mostly-Harmless  |remko at

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