Any 4.10 installation on asus pundit ?

Bernard Dugas bernard.dugas at
Sun Jun 20 09:04:14 PDT 2004


Robert Downes a écrit :
> Bernard Dugas wrote:
>> Thanks very much, Robert, it was the udma option : but this is quite 
>> inefficient if I can't use UDMA with FreeBSD ?
> FreeBSD will drop down to PIO mode, probably mode 4.
> According to Scott Mueller's book, PIO mode 4 offers up to 16.67 MB/sec, 
> whereas UDMA can offer up to 100 or 133 MB/sec. So, yes, less efficient 
> (but also a bit quieter in my experience).

And the cpu load should increase, no ?

> Have you been able to switch the data cable for a know good cable? That 
> solved the problem for me.

I've tried a brand new one, but no difference...

Best regards,

  __________ Bernard DUGAS ________________________________________
|                                                                 |
|  Technoparc Pays de Gex  mailto:bernard.dugas at |
|  30 Rue Auguste Piccard           Tel.: +33 615 333 770         |
| FR 01630 St Genis Pouilly         Fax : +33 450 205 106         |

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