IPFW log results analysis

George Keramidas gkeramidas at bytemobile.com
Fri Jun 18 04:14:38 PDT 2004

On 2004-06-18 12:45, Remko Lodder <remko at elvandar.org> wrote:
> Uwe Kolsch wrote:
> >And how do I use a keyboard?
> connect it to a computer and start typing the letters you wish >:)
> Or perhaps another person on this list wrote a summary tool already...
> Someone

I have a few summarizing scripts at home, that list various interesting
things like:

        Unique hosts blocked (name or address if DNS fails).
        Unique ports blocked and number of hits.
        Unique hosts that hit a port and number of hits.

I just didn't know if *this* is what the OP wanted.

- Giorgos

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