Logging the message body from an MTA

Lonnie Santella lonniesantella at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 17 16:22:42 PDT 2004

I need to log the message body of incoming and outgoing messages on my 
FreeBSD 5.2.1 Release server. I'm running Exim right now, but I really don't 
have a preference of MTA. The main thing is I need to facilitate the logging 
of message bodies.

I don't want to flood you with too many details, but we want to archive 
messages (including message body) to a MySQL database, so that we can 
quickly run queries and review messages from months/years ago - no matter 
who's mailbox it ended up in.

To accomplish this, we need to <first> log the message body somehow... 
anyhow... then commit the logs to the MySQL database.

I'd settle for learning how to do the first step. I've read through Exim 
docs and Sendmail docs, as well as various newsgroups - plenty of info on 
logging various data - but nothing on message bodies. I posted a message to 
the Exim news group - but no luck there.

I'm not set on Exim - I just want to log message bodies. Any help or a push 
in the right direction would be GREATLY appreciated.



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