Suggestions for replacements for vanilla ftpd?

Andy Holyer andyh at
Thu Jun 17 01:14:25 PDT 2004

I'm setting up our main customer web server: as a check-box feature, 
every customer gets 10Mb of free web space on our server. I'm very keen 
that I keep customer and user accounts on the server firmly separate, 
so that means that vanilla ftpd needs replacing.

What are people's favourites out of the 20 or so in ports? From my own 
survey PureFTPd seems favourite, but I thought it couldn't hurt to ask. 
Basically my desiderata are:
No using /etc/passwd for client stuff;
Enforced chrooting
Performance not actually that important, since there's ony 100 or so 

I've curerently got user auth data handled by sasl, if that's important.
5.2.1 Release kernel.

On a related note, a web interface to allow customers to update their 
pages would be nice. CPanel is gross overkill, and too expensive for my 
Boss's wallet. Does a simpler tool exist, before I start writing my 

Thanks in advance for any advice.

Andy Holyer, Technical stuff
Hedgehog Broadband, 11 Marlborough Place Brighton BN1 1UB
08451 260895 x 241

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