Devil Mascot

Anthony Edwards anthony.edwards at
Mon Jun 14 11:10:01 PDT 2004

On Sun, Jun 13, 2004 at 05:02:49PM -0700, Edward Hendrie wrote:
>     Why do you have a Devil for a trademark mascot?  From a marketing
> perspective, you are shooting yourselves in the foot.  There are many people
> of various religious backgrounds who will be dissuaded from trying FreeBSD
> because they have religious objections to a product that is promoted by a
> devil.

Another brand with a (red) devil as a mascot:

Manchester United are the most commercially successful soccer club in
the world, with a global fanbase comprising of people of all ages,
races, nationalities and religions.

>     You may think that is a small issue, but when you are trying to create
> market awareness you need a mascot that evokes simplicity and goodwill, not
> one that evokes evil and deception.

Given that FreeBSD is not a commercial project, such considerations are
almost entirely irrelevant.

Anthony Edwards
anthony.edwards at

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