Devil Mascot

Richard Caley rjc at
Mon Jun 14 10:03:07 PDT 2004

In article <20040614162251.E137940831 at>, Cordula's Web (cw) writes:

cw> Tux looks cute, but does it stand for (code) bloat? ;-)

It's quite simple:

        BSD:     Daemon, evil, 'nuff said.
        Linux:   Penguin, it's never going to fly.
        Windows: Distorted windowframe, lets crooks in.
        MSN:     Butterfly, a maggot partially disguised by graphic design
        Apple:   Apple, sinful, probbaly contains maggots due to M$ tie up.
        MacOsX:  X, standard mark for `this is wrong'.
        Java:    Coffee, you're gonna have sleepless nights.

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