Devil Mascot

Edward Hendrie edwardmh at
Sun Jun 13 13:48:54 PDT 2004

    Why do you have a Devil for a trademark mascot?  From a marketing
perspective, you are shooting yourselves in the foot.  There are many people
of various religious backgrounds who will be dissuaded from trying FreeBSD
because they have religious objections to a product that is promoted by a

    You may think that is a small issue, but when you are trying to create
market awareness you need a mascot that evokes simplicity and goodwill, not
one that evokes evil and deception.

    Look at how MSN is marketing its ISP.  They use characters dressed in
harmless butterfly costumes.  Linux, has done the same with its pudgy cute
penguin.  You might want to rethink your mascot.

Edward Hendrie

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