(add new users & groups)

Charles J. Gaush cgaush at earthlink.net
Fri Jun 11 21:45:12 PDT 2004

LW Ellis wrote:

> I'm not clear on the Unix group/user setup
>>From what I have read, FreeBSD will place users in a default group
> Do I need a group? I will have about 6 users (not all at once)
> DO I add a group before users?
> Will it be to my benefit down the road to make a group now?

Every user will be in a group-- by default, the group will have the same 
name as the user (his own group).  You can add and modify users and 
groups through the pw command, the grand unified user and group 
management tool ("man pw" for more info).  Adding a user to a group is 
as easy as

pw groupmod -m [username]

or tacking the user's name onto the end of the group in /etc/group, e.g.:


To add a group and populate it with existing members:

pw groupadd [groupname] -M [user1 user2 ...]


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