XFree86 configure question

Nelis Lamprecht nelis at 8ball.co.za
Fri Jun 11 00:04:57 PDT 2004

On Fri, 2004-06-11 at 08:05, LW Ellis wrote:

> Having some difficulty setting up the XFree86 Server.
> I did like it said in the handbook, but when I 
> ee XF86Config.new, I get a blank file.
> If I use the configure tool in the sysinstall, it fails to save the file.
> I am logged on as 'root'

The first thing I would do before trying to configure your XFree86
Server is to find out exactly what Video card( Part 2 ) you are using.
You can do this usually by going through your system message buffer from
kernel startup. Edit the file /var/run/dmesg.boot and look for
information which would indicate your VGA chipset, it usually starts
with pci0: In some cases where your Video card is not recognised by the
kernel you may need to identify the chipset in another way. Try opening
the computer and looking at the chipset on the video card itself.

Once you have this information you can then run the command xf86config
from the command line, it is usually located in /usr/X11R6/bin.
If you lucky your card will be automatically detected otherwise you will
manually have to put in the options. After running through the
configuration check the XF86Config file it creates and adjust if
necessary to your liking.

Also, take a look at the FAQ's regarding the X Window System which can
be found at:

Nelis Lamprecht
PGP: http://www.8ball.co.za/pgpkey/nelis.asc
"Unix IS user friendly.. It's just selective about who its friends are."
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