Terminal VNC server

John Oxley oxo at rucus.ru.ac.za
Thu Jun 10 16:38:02 PDT 2004

I have setup a terminal VNC server, and half-documented the way I did it
at http://oxo.rucus.net/docs/Terminal-Vnc-HOWTO

I am the sysadmin of a multi-user box and I am doing this for the plebs
who are members of the computer society (RUCUS http://rucus.ru.ac.za/).
What I want is an easy way of making vnc connections secure.  The
machine is firewalled from outside the LAN, but obviously not from
inside it.  I still don't like unencrypted data flowing over the

For my own use, I use ssh tunnels to do the encryption, but that is far
beyond your Random Joe Fuc^WUser.  How can I make the connections over
vnc secure?  I would prefer not to delve into the source code, but will
if I have to.



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