freebsd 4.5 partitioning

Nathan Kinkade nkinkade at
Thu Jun 10 10:40:28 PDT 2004

On Thu, Jun 10, 2004 at 06:00:15PM +0100, Brad McGuigan wrote:
> Hi,
> Hope someone out there can help me. I have been charged with looking
> after a freebsd 4.5 server and have come across a problem I am not sure
> how to resolve.
> Basically, the /var filesystem is 108% full. I have free space on
> another filesystem (/usr) and would like to transfer some of this
> across. Is this possible? If so, can someone point me in the direction
> of instructions to do this?
> I am fairly new to this but keen on learning!
> Cheers
> Brad
> mailto: brad at

Perhaps the first thing you should do it to find out what is filling up
/var.  You can get a general sense by changing to the /var directory and
issuing the following command:

# du -sh *

This should give you the a tally of how big each file and directory is
that reside directly in /var.  Once you find out where the general
problem lies you can futher use 'du' to isolate the problem or start
probing around manually.  If it turns out that every file is needed then
a quick fix would be to create a new directory on /usr, perhaps /usr/var
and then copy all the files from /var to /usr/var.  The delete the /var
directory and all it's contents.  Then create a symbolic link at / named
var that points to /usr/var:

# cd / && ln -s /usr/var

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