Command to combine several files as a single file, etc.

Stephen Liu satimis at
Wed Jun 9 21:26:51 PDT 2004

Hi folks,

Frequently I save/print doucument from Website as


files.  If the document consists of several pages then
there will be serveral files.  What command line/lines
shall I use to combine file of several pages as a
single file (not with 'echo' command).  Or which
application on KDE desktop shall I use to achieve this
goal.  After a single file created, how can I move
pages around inside the file (not with copy/paste 

Additional how to add 'note' to the file/page or
bookmark a paragraph inside the file.

On the old day when I ran Windows, I used 'PaperPort',
'PageKeeper','Omnipage, etc. to do the abovementioned
job.  Are there similar applications on Open Source
for FreeBSD/Unix/Linux worlds.


Stephen Liu

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