port upgrades

Kent Stewart kstewart at owt.com
Mon Jun 7 11:18:02 PDT 2004

On Monday 07 June 2004 10:28 am, Tim Traver wrote:
>    Hi all,
>    Is there a way to do a quick update of a particular port directory
> ??? I don't necessarily want to do the portupgrade, but just get the
> latest port files for a particular port.
>    Right now, if i want to make sure the ports are up to date, I have
> to use sysinstall to download the entire port collection, which takes
> forever...
>    Am I missing a quick utility to just check and make sure I have
> the latest port files for one at a time ?
>    Thanks,
>    Tim.

You need to read the Handbook on maintaing your ports, which is now 
chapter 4. Then, install cvsup[-without-gui], copy the ports-supfile 
from the share/examples directory into a safe place, change the 
CHANGE_THIS to something real from the cvsup mirror list in the 
handbook and run it.  If you don't know where the share/examples 
directory is located do a "locate ports-supfile" and locate will tell 
you where it is. If you don't have locate running, do a man located and 
then run the script to build the database.

You need to run portsdb -uU to update the INDEX[.db] files and then you 
can install ports such as portupgrade that make the actually upgrade 
process simple.

I maintain that sysinstall only has value when you are doing a "SYStem 
INSTALL] and should be left alone after that. I don't do that because I 
still find adding a new HD easier from sysinstall. I do not use it to 
help maintain my system or the port-system. There are tools that are 
much better suited for that task once you have a running system.


>    SimpleNet's Back !
>    [1]http://www.simplenet.com/
> References
>    1. http://www.simplenet.com/
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Kent Stewart
Richland, WA


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