install from floppies will not resolve any ftp server

Peter Risdon peter at
Sat Jun 5 09:09:26 PDT 2004

SWIT wrote:

>I d/l the floppies and made them and get thru the whole install process but
>can not resolve any ftp servers to finish.
>I have tried several nics and I don't think thats the problem.
>My setup is this.
>to be freebsd computer hardwired to a switch. the switch is connected to the
>lan port of a sonic wall. the wan port of the sonic wall is connected to my
>wireless Access Point which flys thru the air to a neighbors house where i
>have another wireless radio that rec the signal puts it thru a linksys
>router and out the cable modem.
>I can surf from the home network fine. been doing that for a year.
>I just can't get the freebsd to resolve ftp to finish the install.

You probably need to use passive mode.


>In the network setup I put
>host - commanche
>domain - left blank
>ip is dhcp (and yes it receives and ip
>subnet is dhcp
>dns servers are dhcp also (which my home network computers get and work just
>gate way is dhcp (home network uses same one w/o any problem)
>no extra config in the network setup.
>sometimes it kicks back instantly that can't resolve and other times sits
>there for long time.
>I have tired manually putting in the info and no go either.
>I have no errors in the sonic wall or linksys router about it.
>I can ftp from any home network computer .
>I am lost. any help greatly appreciated.
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