Sending a message to another computer on the network

Hasse hasse at
Sat Jun 5 06:22:33 PDT 2004

On Saturday 05 June 2004 14.31, Michal Pasternak wrote:
> Hasse [Sat, Jun 05, 2004 at 02:25:49PM +0200]:
> > I'm on a FreeBSD 4.10-STABLE machine on 217.209.211.x ,
> > and would like to send a message to Win-box ( on the same network, but
> > not my machine ) that's filling up my  httpd-access.log with junk.
> > The only thing I know is his IP-adress.
> What?
> Lookup his/hers IP via whoisdb ( and report abuse to proper
> Internet Service Provider.
> > Is this possible ? If it is, how.
> smbclient -M
> > Or do I have to block his IP ?
> That's also an option.
> _______________________________________________
Thx for your replay.
Well, I've allready tried whois, host -a, dig, and so on, but it's not giving 
me any more then telling me who's the ISP, and I allready know that.
Same as mine :-)  
The problem with blocing his is IP is that it's dynamic, next time he reboot, 
he'll be back with another one. So then I have to block the hole range, and 
that's rather drastic.

What I was looking for, was a way to notify the poor guy so he could take some 
proper action to clean his machine. He is probably not aware of the problem.

I'll have a look at smbclient

/ Hasse

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