Sending a message to another computer on the network

Warren Block wblock at
Sat Jun 5 06:22:30 PDT 2004

On Sat, 5 Jun 2004, Hasse wrote:

> I'm on a FreeBSD 4.10-STABLE machine on 217.209.211.x ,
> and would like to send a message to Win-box ( on the same network, but not my
> machine ) that's filling up my  httpd-access.log with junk.
> The only thing I know is his IP-adress.
> Is this possible ? If it is, how.
> Or do I have to block his IP ?

>From the log you posted, it looks like it's trying to attack your web 
server with a buffer overflow.  Probably this is a compromised Windows 
machine, and the owner isn't aware it's doing this, but either way, you 
should contact your ISP.  Telia doesn't seem to be very different from 
most larger ISPs, and they may not react quickly or at all.  You could 
also try using smbclient (part of the Samba port) to send a Windows 
popup message to that machine.

-Warren Block * Rapid City, South Dakota USA

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